Conquering product infatuation with the 5 P's

November 28, 2009 at 7:50 am Leave a comment

Have you ever had a product idea, got all
excited, and immediately started working on
creating that product without doing one lick of
market research?

I think we’ve all been there.

It’s so easy to become infatuated with a product.
Marketers often fall into the trap of launching a
product and then move on to create a new one
before they’ve fully maximized the first product.

This is why Stephen Pierce’s MRMI Basic Training
takes you through the Five P’s, which are the
five steps you must get right to succeed in
business online.

Products are only one of the five P’s and they
aren’t the most important P. Purpose is the most
important P.

Here are all the five P’s:

1. Purpose.

2. People.

3. Products.

4. Processes.

5. Profits.

Most people like to skip ahead to the profits.
But if you don’t master the other four P’s first,
you aren’t going to have any profits.

Just go grab a copy of MRMI Basic Training and do
what Stephen teaches you. Stop getting distracted
by all the guru wannabes trying to sell you on
their system. Just go straight to the top where
Stephen is, running a company earning $10 million
strong, and with his training you won’t go wrong.

P. S. The internet marketing community is
fortunate to have someone of the caliber of
Stephen Pierce in our midst. If Stephen, a high
school dropout who was homeless when he started
his first business can succeed, so can you.

Entry filed under: Biz Opportunities.

live free or … Is your seat belt fastened?

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